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Part number for Onan CCKB engine

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Hi All, My Simplicity 9020 with Onan CCKB would not start last night. I have decided to do a tune up to the engine and would like to install new points. My problem is I'm not sure where to get them locally. Does anyone have part number for the points? Are they available from places like NAPA or Big A autoparts? Thanks, Bill T. wthanel@yahoo.com
Hi Bill, The Onan #'s are 160-0002 for the points & 312-0069 for the condenser. I usually stock all tune up 'stuff'. I've heard NAPA & others do carry some parts not a clue what the #'s are. Onan's are usually 'cold blooded' & you usually need to use the choke sparingly. JP
Forgive me for what I'm about to say, LOL. For Onan parts I usually go to the John Deere dealer as he stocks most of what I have needed so far, exspecially a good supply of points and condensers, at a fair price.
I Thought the engine might be flooded and pulled the on spark plug. Not flooded so I tried an old trick of putting some gas in one cyl. Sure enough the tractor sputtered to life. Guess its time to look into why the choke is not working. Thanks for the info, Bill T.
as long as you have the part numbers I have had good luck with theses guys http://www.m-and-d.com/
I just got a point and condenser set from Sandy Lake Implement (one of the site sponsors). Check the link on the first page. Really nice people to deal with.
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