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B-10 Restoration (Updated 8-8-06)

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Hey all, I've been asking many questions, now I guess I owe you some pictures on my progress. I put most of the pictures here for you to view...... Enjoy! Wayno

Newly added 7-17-06

Added 7-18-06 Got my Grill parts from Norm!! Thanks Norm!

Added 7-20-06

I ordered these 7 months ago. It's been killing me not to put them on until now. Man my Dad is going to he happy!

Here is the latest after a weekend of working on it.

Latest pics 07-25-06

Almost done 8-08-06. Some work on the hood mount and another buff job on the hood and she is ready for unvailing.

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Nice pics wayno. Been working like a mad man eh??? Looks pretty good cant wait to see the final product. Oh and I think the cream rims look pretty good have to see it all together, to really get the effect and see if it works or not... -Ry-
Your doing a great job on it.Thanks for the pics and keep them coming.Tony
Looing real nice, lots of work into a complete redo like that.
Ok, I'm getting the itch........but it will have to wait untill mowing season is over. I like what I see in these tractors that are put back to their original splendor. So what if it gets a little scratch here and there......Character marks right?????? Nice job so far wayno!! And go easy on the Sam Adams during the final assembly!! Sean aka Zippo aka Daddy
Thanks guys. I'll keep posting my progress as it comes. Waiting on some parts from Normstoys.com but I have enough to keep me busy in the mean time. Zippo - Keeping that six pack in ice till the project is over. Motivation. Actually I grew up with these tractors. My dad had two (this one and a Simplicity 725), our neighbor had two or three rolling around and my Uncle had four Simplicities. When my dad asked me if I wanted one I immediatly though of the restore. I want to show him that his baby will be well taken care of and how much I appreciate the gift. I was shoothing for the July 22nd weekend to unvail it but life is pushing that date off I think. Plus I can't seem to get in touch with Mary about a replacement seat, maybe she is on vacation. I like the pleated seat but may have to settle with the flat one from Wells. One more thing, anyone know where I can score some clean armrest bars? I think mine are going to be too far gone to clean up. That's all for now. Wayno:D
Nice job Wayno keep up the good work and you will be done in no time.
Tractor looks like it is coming along Great.Keep the pictures coming.
Very nice work!! Thanks for sharing it.
Looken Great!!! Keep the pictures comen!! One question, to me it looks like the tranny drive blets idler pulley is on top and not on the bottom, is there a reason for doing that? If you get under a heavy load, the tractor might not pull its self very well. Just wondering. Thanks! Can't wait to see it finished!!!
Ooooppps! My bad. Actually it's not ready to go on yet. I just quickly put it together, this is why I took reference shots before I took it apart.

mwells, thanks for the heads up. Wayno
Definitely nice work; thanks for sharing. Oh how I wish I had a garage to work in.
Very nice work. Pictures like this does motivate me in my desire to 100% rebuild my tractor. Thanks for sharing. :)
I have two tractors to work on, but it is just so darn hot outside. I want AC in my garage so that I can make my tractors look this good. Great job Wayno!
Cool beans Wayne! Darned if you guys aren't going to give me a guilt complex! All I manage to do is get them slapped together and running and use them. One of these days maybe I'll go through one like you're doing.
Nice job so far Wayno!!!! Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see finished pictures of your project.
Hey all, posted some new pick in the original post. It is 100% apart now. 99% painted and will be starting reassembly tomorrow night. Cya!
All that hard work is going to pay off. Another one saved8D8D8D8DNice job,Matt
Great Pix!!!! Looks as good as pix in the how-to manuals...
More pics! Look in the original post. 7-18-06 Wayno
wayno how are you going to cut the hole for the pto in the new grill from norms? I have one just like it.
Wayno, I'm liking this post. Thanks for the pictures. I have an early B10 I intend to restore at some point. Nice.
Toad270, I'm going to try a dremmel with a metal cutoff wheel (or many cutoff wheels as I've been told). My brother in law owns one or I may just go buy one as my other brother in law borrowed my RotoZip 9 months ago and I don't expect to see it ever again.... ;) michaelg221, I'm happy to share the pictures with you guys. I had more last night but I don't want to go to crazy with pictures and upset anyone. :I I'm saving them up for a while unless I get some requests in the meantime. Later! Wayno
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