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HB112 with L12 loader?

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tractor nut
Hey guys, need your help again. I bought a B12 with a L12 loader a while ago and have been playing around with it enough to realize that my HB112 would be a-lot nicer tractor for the loader. My question is will the sub-frame fit without modification? The only problem I see with the loader is that the loader controls and the hydrostatic lever are on the same side which seems to be a little cumbersome in operating. Has anyone ever modified the control lever to a foot control or any ideas? Anyone have a HB112 with a loader attached?
You will need a diferent rear mount bracket for the loader frame, other then that it should fit. http://www.simpletractors.com/operation/515_loader/frame.htm
I've been comparing the different loader models and how they mount; my focus is figuring out the frame design and planning on building/fixing the correct frames for the L10 1st&2nd/L12/L112 loaders. My goal will be to have a set of frames so I can swap my loaders between tractors while restoring and maintaining them. You can see what I'm learning if you read this post: (I'd be interested in measurements on your frame if you ever have a chance to measure it up.) http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=61640
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