john2oak Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 Hello everyone, sorry if i am not posting in the good forum, i did not knew where exactly it should be posted. If i put a photo of my tractor on my "picture Gallery", can i remove it later to place another one this automn when my total restauration will be completed ? And if i do so, what will happen with the replace photo ? Thank you Jean PS . I know, don't call me "Techno-john"...
UCD Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 Yes it can be replaced. You are allowed 512kb of photos in your gallery. Also photos uploaded to the forums do not count against the total kb's in your gallery. Copied from Frequently Asked Questions Uploading & Using Pictures -- FAQ's [url][/url] If you are a dues-paying club member, you can upload pictures directly from your computer to the clubhouse server in several areas, but within specific limits. Pictures can be attached to topics or replies. While there are no limits on the number of pictures in each topic or reply, each picture must be less than 100KB. You can create a personal Photo Gallery that can be used in many ways. You can automatically display one of the photos in your user profile. You can also use them in your signature, or in any topic, reply, registry entry or classified ad. The size of your personal Photo Gallery is limited to 512kb of disk space -- total. You can upload and display one photo in each Classified Ad. You can upload and display one photo in each Tractor Registry entry. Only .jpg or .gif file types are allowed
JoeJ Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 Jean;) Looking forward to seeing your loader tractor. I'm thinking I should build a loader for one of mine.
HubbardRA Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 Jean, I recommend the direct upload method. As long as I have been a member of this site, I have only uploaded one picture to the gallery. I just click the paperclip and do direct uploads to the forums.
john2oak Posted July 25, 2006 Author Posted July 25, 2006 Don't be discourage sirs, i am trying to put a photo for 1 and a half hour....Projections are...i will succeed to get it done somewhere in decembre smoke comin from the PC yet, its a good sign at least. Salutations
HubbardRA Posted July 25, 2006 Posted July 25, 2006 Jean, Irfanview is what I use to downsize pictures. You can download it thru Resources/Links above. It is free. I set the picture size to 640x480. If it is still too large, then I set the picture to 16 colors. It has always worked for me. The text line that appears on the page must be: img]/club2/attach/john2oak/picturename.jpg[/img with [ added at the beginning and ] added at the end. I deleted those symbols so that the text would post, instead of it looking for the picture. You also need to put in the correct name of the picture instead of "picturename" that I put in the line. If it is uploading to the site, but putting a line that has "html" in it when you edit the post, then replace it with the one above and the correct name of the picture and it should work.
john2oak Posted July 25, 2006 Author Posted July 25, 2006 Still for the pc, it seems OK ...i will do start making smoke soon....
john2oak Posted July 25, 2006 Author Posted July 25, 2006 Mrs UCD, Hubbard, JoeJ, and Goatfarmer, Thanks a lot for the help and the support. Can you believe it, 4 hours of work to finally place my photo... One of the main problem was that in my picture name, there was an "inelegible " carachter. I Know, please don't send me brown bags... I hope the photo will be clear when you will see it, and if its not a tractor photo, please write me a and a computer often make bizare results. I must go, we're making cheese at 5.00 AM tomorrow morning... [img][/img] Salutations
UCD Posted July 26, 2006 Posted July 26, 2006 Jean I posted your gallery picture into your post. Read these two posts on how to upload pictures and fix the problems with them. How to UP-Load Pictures to Forums (UPDATED) [url][/url] How to Fix The Dreaded Red X or diskette [url] [/url]
comet66 Posted July 26, 2006 Posted July 26, 2006 That's a good looking rig John, thanks for sharing it with us.
john2oak Posted July 26, 2006 Author Posted July 26, 2006 MrUCD and Mr Hubbard, thank you for putting the picture in this post and for the links renferences . I will study it more carefully in times to come. I must admit that when it gets too technical in the computer domain , in my head, the hamster making the wheel turning often seems to be at break time. My photo was too big and i was having problems with reduction, with my scanner, with my local server, not to talk about the "inelegible character" too. Mr.s. Joe, Comet, Ronald, Goatfarmer and Agco, thanks for the good words, the tractor is not yet as "clean cut" as i wished estheticaly speaking, but it will be in some time. The most important for the moment is done, he runs perfect.Thanks to the forum. Salutations et merci beaucoup messieurs. Jean
MikeES Posted July 29, 2006 Posted July 29, 2006 Jean, don't feel bad. I have been a member since 1999 and I handle much of the computer problems at work (174 PCs) but I can't get pictures to work either???? You have more patience...I give up afer about 45 mins. There are some great people here and they have always fixed the pictures for me.
john2oak Posted July 30, 2006 Author Posted July 30, 2006 Mr Mike, i am using pc's a lot at the office too, but i never have to put pictures at work...and i am only taking care of my pc, wich is largely enough. I have no talent taking care of 174, business would be in serious troubles. I put not one, but 2 more pictures today, my week of work is done ! Need a coffee... Salutations
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