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I had to bang on the starter/generator on my 7016H last night to get it to turn over. After mowing for about 20 minutes, I went to shut it off, and the starter kept turning over like it was in the start position. When I touched a wrench to the nut where the positive battery cable connects to the solenoid, it stopped. Turning the key produces nothing. I was too hot, sweaty, and tired to deal with it last night. Is it just a coincidence that these two things happened within 20 minutes of each other? Or are they totally separate issues? The wife has mentioned recently that there are times when she turns the key and nothing happens. Of course when I would try, it always was fine, so I didn't believe her. Guess I may have a little black bird on my dinner plate tonight. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gary.
Gary: Think you have two problems: Quite sure that has a conventional starter relay. Main inline fuse under dash probably blown. #2 Cut in/out portion of voltage regulator is hanging up at shutdown. Could also be bad keyswitch or connection on keyswitch causing intermitent starting problems or solenoid also. Check voltage on solenoid coil windings when holding keyswitch to start. You may have 12 volts with wire disconnected & only 5 or 6 volts with wire attached. This would indicate bad connections or bad solenoid but most likely bad connection at keyswitch.
Stan, I wasn't aware that there is an inline fuse under the dash. I did all the resistence and voltage checks according to the manual on the solenoid, and everything seemed to check out OK. When I turn the key to start, I get 12 volts at the solenoid, but can't say for sure that it happens every time I turn the key (need a third arm when trying to do this). Jumpering from the positive cable to the starter, or from the switch connection to the other side of the solenoid gives me the same results. It "kinda" trys to turn over, but not very well. That got me thinking that I have a starter problem. I was planning on changing the starter (got a used one in the barn) and going from there. Maybe I'm still dealing with a switch problem, too. Anyway, tommorrow nite is golf league, so I probably won't try anything until Thurs. nite. P.S. The 720 loader I bought from you 2 years ago is still running sweet and saving my aching back. Thanks, Gary.
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