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Selling out (in more ways than one) Jovee Tacey??

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http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/classDetail.asp?id=9996 I placed my mowers in the classifieds. I may regret this one day but lets face it even though these old machines are great and reliable they do require a lot of attention at times. Now that my son is approaching a year old that time is better spent spoiling him. With that in mind these machines would be great to teach him some mechanical know how when he gets older, but hopefully by then I have a 70 to 72 Bucik GS for him and I to work on. Jovee/Tacey I'm only about 40 miles south from Pittsburgh on rt 51!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe me, if I didn't already have three running tractors, I'd be lookin'... Good luck with your sales effort. Maybe another day you'll get back into the hobby/sickness. ;) Tacey
You won't regret it, just like the commercials say, time with the kid...priceless. You can't get that back no how. It gets worse (better) with time...sports & other activities just eat up the time...i need to mow & go...and so do the kids when they get old enough...no time for fixes.
Tim, Thanks for the heads up. If I could afford to help you out and give them a new home, I certainly would. I'm going to end up with a 7 series one of these days. You're not leaving yourself with that pushmower to do all the work are you? One way I remedied the hobby was by giving my son his own 68 Huffy to restore on his own. He is only 10 but picking up on things pretty good. Maybe soon he will be like Sam's kids and bring home his own stuff- lol
LOL finding a fixer upper 70 to 72 Buick GS! I did some searching around on various classic car websites for one. Lot's of them for sale but they run from $11,000 to $160,000! Even the GS clones people have made run around $20k.. Best of luck...
Jovee, No, I have a pull behind finshing mower that I can use with the polaris, May take a box stor mower off my buddys hands to get me thru for a while. Not sure what I'll do long term. Rick, I gues the GS is a big dream. Will probably get a Skylark to re-do. My 1st car was a 71 Skylark. My 2nd car was a 72 Skylark. I could be happy with one of those & trick it out old school you know lift the rear wide tires on the back and skinny in the front. None of this 22" rim low profile tire crap.
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