perry Posted July 26, 2006 Posted July 26, 2006 i just picked up a landlord 101. what was the year of this tractor??. i have a landlord 2010 and it looks identical, exept the 101 on the hood. also it has no spark. i cant seem to figure it out without going and changeing parts. i matched it up with my 2010, and it seems to be missing a wire from the coil area. my 2010 has 2 wires coming from behind the flywheel shroud.{one to condenser & one to the ground}. the 101 only has one wire coming from coil. i tore into the motor on the 101 and made sure the keyway was good. heres how the hook-up is. the coil wire, condenser wire, and toggle switch wire all were going to the little bolt thats above the points cover. i did not want to tear into my daily diver landlord. so i im stuck as to where the condiser wire on the 2010 is going. is it possible it has the wrong coil in it??. once i get this figured out then ill start buying some parts. oh ya! got this off ebay for a $100 bucks. put the mower deck on my running landlord, and its quit and mows nice, has new blades also...thanks...perry in auburnhills
tanman722001 Posted July 26, 2006 Posted July 26, 2006 The 101 was made in 65.The is a place by the flywheel where the coil wire goes to a bolt with rubber washers then it come from there in two wires.I dont think it has the wrong coil on it.Was the flywheel and coil clean?Or did it have rust on it?If so you may clean it and clean the points and adjust the points and you may have fire again.Just something to think about.Tony
msiebern Posted July 26, 2006 Posted July 26, 2006 Check here for more info on your 101. Also you can download the owners and parts manual at the following link by inserting 990351 in the upper right portion of the page where it says search for manuals. Welcome to the club, and good luck!
perry Posted July 26, 2006 Author Posted July 26, 2006 is my landlord 2010 a 1966??. also it doesent have any grease fittings on the mower deck, my new to me 101 deck has them. i made sure everything was clean,{had a mouse nest in it} still no spark. ill have to add that third wire running down to the condenser..thanks
MrSteele Posted July 26, 2006 Posted July 26, 2006 There is only one wire comming from the coil. Depending on how the previous owner(s) may have rewired the machine, you may have more than one wire going to the points/condensor cover. The links above should show you a wiring diagram and you can go from there. Mine is now wired the way I want it, with the on off switch wired to break ground. That is the second wire going to the points, and it grounds the coil to turn the engine off, or, when turned to the on position, breaks the ground and I have fire. Some things to check, as stated above, is tha amount of rust on the magnet on the flywheel, also, remove the points cover and clean the points with sandpaper. Be sure to blow out the points after cleaning them to remove the sand debris. If you still have no fire, the first thing I would replace is the condensor, as it is far cheaper than the mag. No fire rarely means bad points, as they will fire until completely burned up if all other parts are in decent shape.
HubbardRA Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 I have to agree with Mr. Steele. I have never seen a set of points that required replacement unless the contacts were completely burnt up. Usually a little sandpaper to remove the coating from them and you are good to go. I had to clean the points on one of my engines this summer. Only takes a few minutes to clean the points. A points file works well, but I prefer to remove the points and buff the entire contact shiny with sandpaper, then re-install and set the gap. I consider this to be a routine maintenance item, but it usually happens, only when you are in a hurry. I do not clean points on any type of schedule, just when I am not getting fire from the magneto or coil. Once you are familiar with doing it, it usually takes less than 15 minutes.
Roy Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 Hello Perry in Auburn Hills. I used to live in Birmingham which is close to you. Enjoy the Club. It is a good place to be.
lboy1971 Posted July 27, 2006 Posted July 27, 2006 I just had to replace the points in a Briggs 15HP engine in a Gilson. The points were grounding themselves out where the wire attaches to the points. I tried bending it back, and it would fire a little, but wouldn't consistanty. Once I put new points in it runs great.
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