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B112 48" deck PTO pulley

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I have had my tractor for a couple of months now. The guy I bought it from was using the wrong belt for the PTO to mower center arbor pulley. I went to the Simplicity dealer and got the right belt, I think, when the belt that came with it finally broke. Question, my PTO has two pulleys one small and one large, I assume one is for the tiller. Because the first belt was wrong I was puting it on the large pulley on the PTO. With the new belt it only seeems to work on the smaller pulley and pulls the PTO mechanism very far forward almost so it touches the mower deck but doesn't. It works but, my question is, do you use the small PTO pulley to drive the mower deck?
You should use the large pulley. The small one is to be used with the sickle mower. Sounds like you still have the wrong belt. Is your new belt a #108458, 45.1" HA?
Your deck is gonna run too slow using the small pulley and thus give you a worse cut on your lawn. As Greg stated, the small pulley is for the sickle mower.
yes the belt I have is 108458 or rather 2108458, the guy at the simplicity dealer told me they changed the numbering system but it was the right belt. I cant see it fitting over the large pulley. anyone shed any light on the belt I have? thanks for the help, as always.
are you releasing the pto handle from the rear so that belt can be installed? JJ
If you do not release that handle it will seem like an impossible fit. I had the same problem with my 112. After several hours of frustration I figuired out where the release handle was and it worked like a charm.
Ah that must be it, never even thought of it. thanks everyone for responding, I will try this when I get a chance.
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