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Tecumseh Parts Souces---

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I just took the carburetor (Walbro float type , has 4 mounting holes for the air cleaner housing) off of my Tecumseh OH160 engine ( OH160 170094A SER 9047E) that is on my tractor. Needed a good cleaning. Problem is the brass venturi jet that was installed vertically (thru the same hole as the bowl is attached to)--- the brass venturi jet was mangled-- no slot left to turn it out-- jammed in the hole-- I had to remove it the hard way-- and did remove it-- but destroyed the jet. Does anyone know of any new old stock sources. I hate to have to buy a new carburetor... Any ideas on possible souces new old stock Tecumseh parts....??? Thanks.
I'd try Jacks small engine's,,I've never had any luck rebuilding the carbs on any of the tecumsehs i have ,just end up replacing them .
Les, I would think a tecumseh dealer could get you a carb kit. I think your carb is an LMH? I have bought kits for the Walbro LME's used on the smaller cast iron tecumseh's, they were about $25.
According to my old master parts list, the carb is a LMH-2B, TEC P/N 631754. The the repair kit is TEC P/N 632277 and my 2004 price list shows it at $28.59.
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