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Starter switch


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I had posted last weekend regarding my solenoid, but since the wiring was so bad I had several terminals break off the starter switch and I can't figure out what terminals are for what. There should be three terminals but my switch has more. Battery Ignition and start right, which one ignition or start goes to the mag? I dont' have any spark so I assume I have something hooked up wrong. Help
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I pulled the switch it has 5 terminals one of which is ground which is obvious since it goes to the switch casing. 3 terminals marked S, L, and M. and the other unmarked(I assume asessory?). So Does M go to the Mag in the diagram, S go to the saftey switch and thus to the solenoid, Leaving L for the Battery, UCD I am talking about the circuit diagram you posted in my, "No juice to the coil" last weekend. I know the switch works as if it the one that came in the working tractor. I have the solenoid working and turning the engine over, I pull the spark plug and check for spark and it is not happening. Thank you so much for your help thus far.
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Usually, the grounded terminal is marked with a "G", and is for creating an ignition ground for the magneto on tractors with a plastic dash. "S" = Solenoid, "L" = lights or accessory, "M" = magneto. The final terminal should be marked with a "B" for battery.
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should the wire coming from the magneto be going to ground when trying to start it? I have all the terminals correct now but no spark, to test cant i gound the mag wire back to the - on the batter and turn the motor over I should get spark right?
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Originally posted by UCD
Ignition. Puts ground on coil/points to kill spark. If you do not have the correct switch it will not work
In the off position The switch puts ground to the coil/points through the ign (M) term to shut engine down. If you have ground from switch to coil/points while cranking engine it WILL NOT START.
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Sorry UCD slow to comprehend, yes now I understand after taking a continuity testor to the switch, since I am not getting spark then is the next step to check the coil/armature? That would seem to be it in my mind.
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