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707 restoration (New Update 3/2/07)


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Well, now that its good and warm (Well...warmer) I ould get back to work on the 707. On Saturday Broadmoorman (Tim) came over to give me a hand with separating the tranny from the frame.:Q And to watch monty Python and the Holy Grail.8D:Q Here is the aftermath... [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r238/Marksac/DSCF0263.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r238/Marksac/DSCF0264.jpg[/IMG] Next is to Get ALL THIS onto the shelves [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r238/Marksac/DSCF0262.jpg[/IMG]
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I have something better than a picture...another Broadmoor! A 717 from Ksever. So when one is done, I can start on the other.:Q
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Here are a couple of pics that I took.

Heres a before pic that I took before I sent it away...

BTW nice to see you getting started on sanding Mark!
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Tim's Pictures show a better sense of how we did it. Good Pics Tim!dOd I hope on being able to get the first coat of primer down later today! :Q It's been cleaned, sanded, and I have the space heater out in the garage now. So far its 50ish inside.
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Here is a pic of how I got my stuck Broadmoor apart. Chained the front to the stump and pulled with straps to the rear and wiggle & tightened strap, wiggled & tightened strap , for a good hour till it came apart. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/kismar/7382001.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/kismar/7382003.jpg[/IMG]
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Dang! That looks like a heck load of work! But the 707 came apart in 1 min. Just lifted up. (I got lucky that time!)^ (UPDATE) Well, 59 degree in my garage, I went for it! [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r238/Marksac/DSCF0269.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r238/Marksac/DSCF0270.jpg[/IMG] It went Really smooth and 3 coats are done! Going to sand it a lil' bit and go for 2 more coats. Years of building and painting Model Cars and Planes help alot.:Q
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Today I hope on priming the steering parts and sanding the frame and giving it another 2 coats of primer. I also might start sanding the hood and get that ready for primer. I have a goal set for spring break! It will be painted and put back together.
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Looking good Mark. When painting in cooler temps like 50ish, it helps a LOT if you can heat the parts up infront of your heat source. Less runs, faster dring.
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Looking good so far. I see you got the axle spindle off. If using a rattle can in cooler temps I also keep the can of paint in a bucket of warm water 100 degrees or so. Sprays a lot better/even.
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I got the spindles and most of the steering rods cleaned, saneded, and painted today. Here is the Primered Frame with the spindles. [IMG]http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m290/mccarronm04/DSCF0279.jpg[/IMG]
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[IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r238/Marksac/DSCF0316.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r238/Marksac/DSCF0317.jpg[/IMG] The Primer has cured for 2 days, so I wire brushed it, and went for a first coat!:Q Went on nice and smooth with out any drips or bubbling. I just hope that this keeps up for the rest of it.8
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For us guys using rattle cans, I have found a handy tool and trick. I recently picked up a 1600 watt heat gun from Northern Tool. With these small tractor parts, it is real easy to heat up an entire piece with the heat gun. Makes the paint flow better and provides quicker solvent escape. I also use it to help dry the paint after application. Allow the paint to sit on the part for about 5 minutes, then begin to apply heat with the heat gun. Must be careful not to get too close, or stay in one place for more than a second. If you do you will get bubbling. If not, you can see the sheen kick with the application of heat. Sorry for the length of post.
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After a little accident, I have to stop the restoration. It wasn't anything to do with injuries to anyone (But to something) New updates as soon as they happen! Stay tooned for more!:Q Oh! Thank You all for the great comments!
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Maybe a little overspray ?
Originally posted by MarksA-C
After a little accident, I have to stop the restoration. It wasn't anything to do with injuries to anyone (But to something) New updates as soon as they happen! Stay tooned for more!:Q Oh! Thank You all for the great comments!
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