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725 plowing Snow


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:(! this is a simplicity 725 i got from fast paul its great this is my girl jess:drl 15yrs old riding it the cab is a graftsman not great but it works i am in search of the real thing this baby has lots of power:D thanks larbob

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Nice Rig. My advice to you is to stay away from Paul.:O If you hang around him too long, you garage will look like his!:D Welcome to the club. Enjoy your new toy.
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Nice Rig. My advice to you is to stay away from Paul. If you hang around him too long, you garage will look like his!
Is this a bad thing??:D I would love to have his garage full of beauties! Dan
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Larry Welcome to the club. It looks like you are going to have to buy a tractor for you now I think Jess is taking this one over.
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hi there everyone what do you think of the snow cab got it on e-bay 60 bucks its for a craftsman it will do for now anyone know where i can get a hard top cab for a 725 thanks larry

jess getting ahead of the gamesm01
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Hi Larry- Thanks for the tip on the inexpensive cab. In some of your pictures that thing looks kind of crusty. Do you (or Jess) have troubles with visibility? And how do you get into that thing? (where's the door?!) I guess you know that you've raised the bar on picture quality. Some of us ugly old guys are going to have to locate female models for our tractor pictures now. -Don
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Larry looking good we only got about 1-2 inches of snow today all rain just slush but quite a mess
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hey larry it was messy out there used the 725 to move the slush around it ran fine but when i gave it some trottle it ran funny and would cut out would the rain and wet do this to the motor i had to move slow
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I would check the air filter check the fuel make sure it is clean and filter is good if that don't help check carb adjustment.
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if you let it sit warm and start again, does it run fine again for a while? I'm thinking carb icing. Maybe not.
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