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Building a puller


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Hi new here want to build a garden tractor puller.I have a B112 Allis with variable speed and a 16 hp briggs.Any advice,I want to pull in the stock class.
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Welcome to the club Barrie, I do not know much about tractor pulling or setting up a B112 to pull but there are several guys around here that do. Have fun, Mike
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There was a post about this last week, here is what we had to say. http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=76997 If you search the forums there has been a lot of discussion about pullers. Welcome to the club, I hope you'll pay the $10 a year and become a member.
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Yes I had looked at that other post I did not see anything said about a B112,will that make a good puller? Should I do away with the variable speed? Should I keep the Briggs or put in a Kohler?
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Any Simplicity or AC tractor can be made into a good pulling tractor. The variable speed should either be removed or locked in place so that the belt friction can be controlled. I would remove the variable drive and just use fixed pulleys. The variable speed belts are too expensive to be burning them up at tractor pulls. I have used both a 61 Simp 700 and a 77 AC 716 chassis with the same 3-speed rear, at different times. Be sure to check on the local rules before doing anything to the tractor. Some places do not allow any engine that did not come in that original chassis. As I said in the other post, you have to make the tractor fit the rules. Don't build the tractor before checking on the rules.
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This is my bud Rob-b. He had two of his girls pulling a few years back. One had a B10 and a B110. http://www.simpletractors.com/gallery/sisters_&_sleds.htm I would take out the veri drive pulleys and linkage and run standard pulleys. your going to want to put on a spring that will tighten up the clutch. The tighter the belt, the less slipping that will occur.
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Thank you for the info,I have checked the rules and you can use up to 16 Hp in the stock class.Would you use the 16 hp briggs or put in a kohler?
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I'm a Briggs guy, but a lot of pullers use Kohler's. I think that they do because most parts are cheaper and they can tweak the engines cheaper than a Briggs. I guess most decisions of how to build a puller, will depend on how much you want to spend. If your not careful you could sped a few thousand on one. I built mine for the fun of it, so I used what I had laying around and what was given to me by "retired" pullers. I would first decide your price range.
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A 16 Hp Kohler is a little bigger than a 16 B/S. There are also a lot of cheater parts available for Kohlers. You may have to buy some to compete with the others. From my experience over half the people cheat.
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Rod I have been pulling in the stock farm for aprox 25 years with a 1939 WC Allis I think it is more like 95% of the pullers cheat.I think I am going to try the B/S first that is what I have and if it wouln't compeat then I will get a Kohler.
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Barrie, If you have pulled to 25 years than you know it not the HP its how much of what you have you can get to the ground. Little tractors are just the same. A well balanced tractor with a 12 HP and the right tire for the engine will compete and many times win depending on the track conditions. Have fun
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Yes John you are right and I would put a 12hp in it but when I bought the B112 it had a 16hp in it so I thought I would use it.Our rules say 10 to 16 hp in the stock class.My next question is the tractor has hydro lift should I take it off or leave it on?
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Pull the hydro lift out and send it to me!!!!:D No really it will rob you of some power. Neck that way you have to get another tractor to put the lift in!:D
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