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Would it Work


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To take the electronic ignition outta this 1990 16hp, flywheel and all

and put it in my 3314? The fact that I hadda splice the spark plug wire on it when I was getting it running makes me feel it may not perform good under load at WOT. Got the broken rod unhooked tonight and it has good spark spinning it with a rope.
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Thanks guys, knowing it'll work makes it worth keeping under the bench. Since I couldn't get it to run yesterday without some black smoke, like set too rich, but lean it out and was backfiring, starving, couldn't go from WOT to idle without pulling choke out or it would die, with shovel in hand, I dug out the MTD 14hp which I knew had a rebuilt carb just before I got it and stole it :D for the 3314, runs real fine today so think I'll get on to another project and hope it mows all summer instead of pulling the engine, running short on wintertime.
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