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B-112 Seat


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The B-112 I purchased has a seat that is all black. The Arm Rests are missing. Can you purchase the seat in it's origanl colors with the arm rests, or must I take the seat to the Upolster and have them made?
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Mary Gearhart Mary A Gearheart E-mail Address(es): kmgeartheart@juno.com Quality is excellent & you will not believe the price. StanD
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Originally posted by ibelee
Is this an upholster, or a seat seller?
She sells the seats. More info can be found here. http://www.simpletractors.com/parts/a-c_seat_cushions.htm
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Lee Mary Makes and upholsters these seats on custom order and sells them So I guess you could say she is an upholsterer and could also say she is a seat seller. The last two I bought cost me I believe $86.00 apiece.

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Wells Implement,INC. Plymouth, NE. 68424 Phone 402/656-4435 email info@wellsimplement.com sells them also they dont have the press creases in the seat or back rest. i beleive $90.35 per set, do a google search on wells implement and go to B-series garden tractors decals and parts for info I got two sets a couple years ago and like them (just more info for you) Thanks..
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Maynard- is that generator you've got hanging on the back of that pretty tractor a factory option? Could you post more pictures? This starts some ideas turning again... -Don
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If you want to be 100% authentic, note that the B-110/112 and B-210/212 had heat-pleated seats, like those Mary sells. (Sandy Lake sells Mary's seats also, last I knew). But, the B-10s and Big Tens had sewn pleats in them, not heat-pleated, kind of like "tuck and roll" car upholstery. Sandy Lake sells those. Mary does not, though she makes the heat-pleated style for them. Also note that the B-10/Big Ten uses a shorter backrest than the later tractors. The seat bottoms also have different mounting holes. The B-12 seats are black, and totally different. I don't know anyone making replacements for them to sell. Every restoration I've seen has been custom... Personally I like the sewn pleats, having replaced the one on by Big Ten, so I put one of those from Sandy Lake on my B-210 (HB-216 :I) even though it isn't original style.
I also put a sliding seat adjuster on it so my son could adjust the seat and reach the pedals. http://www.simpletractors.com/do_it/adjustable_seat.htm
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