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Throttle position??


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I had a question I was fortunate enough to receive a manual for my 3416H with a 16hp briggs cast iron. In the manual it gives recommended throttle speeds for specific duties. Some of the time the manual tells you to use the engine at only half throttle for certain jobs which confused me a little. In my old shop class my old instructor always said to run the engine at full throttle because it it better for it. He stated that running the engine under load at part throttle will actually cause less cooling efficiency and can hurt the motor in the long run. So I was wondering which way is correct?
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Depends on PTO driven attachment being used. In most cases it should be run ¾ to full throttle. The biggest exception would be running a Sickle Bar mower. This should be run at ½ throttle or less otherwise it will shake it self to destruction. Your Shop class instructor was right to an extent as a general rule. There are also exceptions to the general rules Instructions in manuals should be followed as to operating certian equipment.
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