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the wife scores... this weeks tractor saga.....


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well the wife did a good deed today. heres my story. i bought this wheel horse lawn ranger 2 years ago for my son. i have been on the look out ever since for another one for my daughter. theese are getting hard to find in my area. ....my sons horse....
well, this one poped up on ebay near me. the auction said , also selling localy. i was the first to email him. he called me back a day later and i almost had him talked into selling it $40 out right. but he had got so many emails and watchers he said he's going to let the auction run for 9 days. i waited and waited and the finale bidding was yesterday. i lost the bid in the last finale seconds. i stopped at $231. and it ended at $233. now i told myself i was not going no more than $150 but i was determend to get this for my daughter. i cant believe this went for over $200. it was nice looking but had a hole in the engine block. the wife said i was scare'n her yelling at the computer.:(! she says i have a tractor promlem. do ya think?:D .......ebay tractor pic..... [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l226/perry71/ranger.jpg[/IMG] well today while i was out working in the garage, here comes my wifes van barrel'n down the driveway with her wav'n and a smile'n. she had stopped at a yard sale just 1 block down the street from me. and saw a old wheel horse. she threw the lady a $20 to hold it and came and got me. she just told me it was a old wheel horse and new i would want it. when i pulled up would'nt you know it. there sat a complete 1968 WH lawn ranger with a $50 price tag on it. i payed $40 for it and took all of about 20 min to get. the husband also threw in a running roto-tiller with a bad frame for free:D. also he said he just threw out a simplicity blade 2 weeks ago:(. and just think yesterday i almost spent over $200 on the ebay one with a cracked block and about a hour drive to go and get:O. its just wierd ive been looking for one of theese for 2 years. now i have my future father son daughter projects:D. .....my daughters new horse.... [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l226/perry71/BROADMOOR045.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l226/perry71/BROADMOOR043.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l226/perry71/BROADMOOR044.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l226/perry71/BROADMOOR046.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l226/perry71/BROADMOOR047.jpg[/IMG]
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Perry, That's awesome. I'm happy for you and your kids. :o) They look really nice, very good lines and all that. :o)
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oh ya talk about karma, three days before all this i ordered both kids lawn ranger shirts. http://i18.ebayimg.com/06/i/08/bb/d3/6d_2.JPG
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Thats great. If my wife had found a tractor at a garage sale she would have made sure I stayed away. Sounds like you have her well trained. I want to get my granddaughter a AC pedal tractor and have met a ton of resistance. I have to remind my wife, at least once a week, what a benefit she gets out of my Garden tractor.
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