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Electronic Ignition conversion


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Has anyone ever used this [url]http://www.psep.biz/store/universal_electronic_ignition.htm[/url] type of kit on a 16 horsepower Briggs model 326431 built in 1974? I think the points in mine are getting bad, and this kit is cheaper than a new set of points. I have a few questions. 1. Does it work well? (or at all) 2. How does it actually function? How will it be able to cause the spark to fire with no mechanical input from the cam shaft? Can it be simply from the magnetic field of the magnet on the flywheel? Is timing then controlled simply by position of the coil in relation to the flywheel and would it probably have to be adjusted? Right now, the coil is positioned in about the middle of the slotted holes as per the instructions in the Briggs repair manual when I overhauled the engine. If I rememebr correctly from about 5 years ago, I believe there's an arrow on the coil and flywheel that are supposed to line up just as the points open. 3. Can it be installed under the cover where the points are now to make it look nice? 4. Is installation difficult and if it doesn't work, do you have to wreck anything during installation that makes it difficult to go back to points? THanks in advance.
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I have that same module on a 16, 12 & 10 hp engines and they work great. Every tractor I get now I put the module on them. I will send a picture but yes they will fit under the points cover. I remove the codensor and us the screw from the condensor to fasten the module right in the same place the condensor was in. I leave the points where they are at so that they keep pressure on the plunger or you will have oil all over the place. You could also remove the plunger and epoxy the hole shut (I did this on my 12hp) or thread the hole and put in a pipe plug.
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Anyone ever put a Mega-Fire module on a Briggs Model 19? I put a Rotary electronic ignition module on my Model 19 and it worked great except for a propensity to kick backwards when starting. Also liked to backfire and blow head gaskets when shutting the engine off but that may have been a lean fuel problem.
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Originally posted by Roy
Anyone ever put a Mega-Fire module on a Briggs Model 19?
I don`t see why it would not work it is basically the same system except for part numbers.
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