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Tractor cover


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I won't be able to store my powermax inside this winter as my garage gets tight with 2 cars and other toys. It also won't fit in my shed. I have had snowmobile's in the past with the elastic covers that hold up real well to wind and ugly weather. Anybody use a cover that stays on during wind? Seems no matter how many bungee cords I use, those plastic tarps never stay on.
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On my "currently disabled" AC 720, I use a regular car cover, small car size. It's breathable. It has eyelets, so I run a rope through them and under the tractor.
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I have always had boats that winter outdoors. For your tractor I would suggest you put a tarp on the ground and drive the tractor onto it to keep the moisture from coming up. I would then get a boat cover from WalMart (they cost very little). You then need to drape critical parts of the tractor so that wind whipping won't cause the cover to rub and damage the paint. You can use old blankets or anything soft and breathable to keep the cover from rubbing the paint when winter winds flap the cover. As an alternative to a cover you can erect 2 A frames with a ridge rafter between and roof it with a big tarp. You still have to drape the tractor at critical points with something to prevent wind whipping from rubbing paint off. I am sure you will get the tractor out first thing in the spring, which is good because moisture trapped under a cover or tarp will cause damage really quickly.
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I think you should buy your wife a remote car starter and tell her she has to park her car outside. LOL!!! My wife won't park in the garage because the Garage door is to heavy and I won't install a door opener for that very reason. Then I would have to share my garage, Like that's gonna happen. No really how about a four wheeler cover you can order from Cabellas.
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I've used the large cardbord boxes that we get liquid product in at work.I cut a door in on on end. drove tractor in and bungeed door closed. Usually put a 100 watt light bulb in for heat.
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What about this Rich. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Golf-Cart-Cover-2-person-fairway_W0QQitemZ110171849958QQihZ001QQcategoryZ50073QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
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Now THATS Neat, Elon! Wish I'd seen that six months ago. If you are on a budget and just want a cover Rich, try a quad cover. I bought one from this guy on eBay, and the price was good and it has yet to blow off the tractor: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/WATERPROOF-ATV-COVER-w-FREE-BAG-COVERS-LARGE-QUAD-OLIVE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43972QQihZ014QQitemZ330167976267
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I think a 4040 is too big to fit in a quad cover. But, hey! Elon, that is one terrific product you found. As winter approaches we have to triage the tractors. The ones that are not needed until next year could sure get the heck out of the shed to free up room for the winter operations. But if you leave them outside without adequate protection it causes way too much ruin.
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