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Landlord 2210


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Hi I'm new here! I have acquired a 1969/70 ? Landlord 2210 from my FIL. i just got it up and running. So far everything seems to operating properly. She isn't pretty, but I get excited every time I fire her up. Are there still a lot of these models around? Any quirks I should know about them?
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Main thing is to check the BGB for gear play, should not have much. AND WELCOME to the site. This might help; http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/articles/sam_used_check.htm
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John, those white side panels on your 2210 really set that tractor off. Maybe I should consider that for mine!^
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First. Welcome to the club.Second you will really love these old tractors. Third Beware these things are an addiction. Thanks for the pics guys!!!!8D
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I found out my '64 Landlord is not the equivalent to my ATV. It should stay on level ground. Cutting tall grass with a sickle bar in a field with furrows can lead to axle tube problems. (either that or I need extra rear ends)
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Originally posted by gtjeff
I found out my '64 Landlord is not the equivalent to my ATV. It should stay on level ground. Cutting tall grass with a sickle bar in a field with furrows can lead to axle tube problems. (either that or I need extra rear ends)
A couple things that will help with that, Jeff. a) Speed - I think you said you were bouncing some. There's no sprung suspension so the axle gets a lot more of the banging, and it isn't a lightweight tractor. b) tire pressure. Significantly lower your rear tire pressure under these conditions and at least the tire will give some. If you look at the pics of the guys plowing, it will handle rough conditions, just not at speed. Hope this last rear end lasts you a long while. -Don
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