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Sovereign 3012 trans locked up


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All, I just picked up a Sovereign 3012 with the variable speed setup and the transmission is locked up (input shaft and rear axle won't turn). My brother had first inspected it and it appeared to be locked in two gears (when in 2nd & reverse) but in neutral, 1st & 3rd gear the input shaft would turn as would the rear axel. When we went to pick it up, now everthing is locked up regardless of shifter position. My question is, is there a "trick" to freeing up the shifter/forks or some other means to work around not having to tear the tranny apart? I seem to recall in previous discussions using a bent screwdriver to re-align the forks? Maybe this was only for the Broadmoor tranny's? Looking at the IPL, it doesn't look obvious that the shifter shaft is removable without taking the tranny apart? Thanks, Tom (PK)
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quote:by AL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next if you have trouble hanging in gear, the problem may come from pulling back on the shift lever when shifting out of gear. In the transmisssion case are 2 roll pins that keep the little shift finger centered between 1 & 3 and 2 & R. I have worked on a number of these transmissions with this problem. If you take the lever straight across to neutral and then pull it back it will almost never hang up. What is happening is like the old column shifts on cars used to do. Typically as you are coming out of 1 or 3 if you are pulling back on the lever, the finger will slip out of the shift fork before it detents in neutral and the fork will return to the gear you were just leaving. This happens when the shift fork is worn where the finger pushes it and the roll pins that guide the fingers between the forks are worn. The one fork has slipped back in gear and the finger is in the other fork that can't move without having the tractor locked in two gears. We make a tool by heating and bending an old screwdriver and go through the pipe plug hole behind the drive pulley and pull or push the offending fork [usually front] back to neutral. If you split the case and pull up the large roll pins to min spec. or a little less this will normally fix the problem. Another thing to check is the detent spring strength, you can feel this by how well the unit wants to stay "in gear". How close the roll pins are together inside the transmission is very critical. If any one is going to attack this I'll dig up the specs. Most people that come in with this problem we just go in and hook the fork, without even unloading the tractor and show them how to avoid tempting a beligerant transmission into repeating its tricks, They usually get by without having to open up the case. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/portal_External.asp?LinkID=153&LinkName=Manual%20Transmission%20Stuck%20In%20or%20Between%20Gears&CatID=18&CatTitle=Transmissions&URL=http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=11763& http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=11969
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