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Good old B-10


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Every time I use the b-10 I'm still impressed. My friends think I hire a landscaper to cut my grass . When I tell them I cut it with a 1964 Allis Chalmers Lawn tractor with the trailer on it too some of them don't believe me . I just have to laugh. This Is one of my favorite tractors and It dose such a great job It turns very tight, It seems to turn tighter than my the other tractors, Well anyway I thought I'd share a few Pics.Of my landscapers work LOL. What are some of your favorite tractors ??

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That looks like when my wife vacuums the living room after the kids destroy it on a daily basis. Nice work on the lawn, it really does look like a professional did it. Also nice stripes.
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Looks like a golf course,the old foot dragger's get-er-done. My B-10 is my favorite also.the Big-10 looks the same but the B-10 seems to handle better with more power. Or maybe it's because I only paid $50. for the B-10 and $250. for the Big-10.:D
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Looks great Paul! Better get that pool covered real soon.:O:( My 64 landlord is still my favorite. It's even better now with the 16hp!:D
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The lawn looks Great!!! I personally prefer the B-12 or the Big Ten, But then the HB's are nice too! One quick question, Your early B-10 has the 23d 9 hp in it right? How does it pull/work in heavy/thick grass or leaves? What gear do you go in? I have one mounted one my B-112 with a 16hp briggs, and I can mow in 2 gear real easy, but in the thick stuff I have to slow down otherwise it will plug up, other then that it pulls really well. Just wondering. Thanks, Keep up the good work!;)
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Thanks Mike The origanal 23d I took out because it was tired , I have a newer 10 HP. in her now and It runs great in 2nd gear and almost never clogs up :D
Originally posted by mwells
The lawn looks Great!!! I personally prefer the B-12 or the Big Ten, But then the HB's are nice too! One quick question, Your early B-10 has the 23d 9 hp in it right? How does it pull/work in heavy/thick grass or leaves? What gear do you go in? I have one mounted one my B-112 with a 16hp briggs, and I can mow in 2 gear real easy, but in the thick stuff I have to slow down otherwise it will plug up, other then that it pulls really well. Just wondering. Thanks, Keep up the good work!;)
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Paul: In May of 1984 I bought a 1964 B-10 with a 42" deck and then added a blade, 3 belt blower, vacuum, weedcutter, grader blade and you know how the rest of the story goes. This is the one that started me down the path I'm now on. Since then, I've had several 3410's, a 917 Allis, a 7117, and a loaded 1991 Sovereign. My favorite tractor?? Still the B-10! When I look back on what that tractor has done and will still do(have jumped back & forth between 9 and 10 HP engines) I am still amazed. It will still do a better job of mowing than anything I've had and is always predictable. I do not like Hydro transmissions-seems that I am constsantly adjusting ground speed and the power steering on the Sovereign makes it almost impossible to make nice straight lines. My second choice would be the 3410. Just seems like a nice all around tractor for my needs. My storey and I'm sticking to it!sm04 Regards, Dave
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Nice rig, those B's are a tough old tractor, I too have an early B-10 but I've never used it and its in 100's of pieces right now (2-1/2 yr restore still in progres) I know what you mean about the steering because I have Simplicity 700 which uses the same steering gears as the early B-10, it was very easy and responsive steering, the B-12 and B-110's have the newer steering gears and just seem different. Of My working tractors the favorites are the B-110's and the B-12 is close 2nd.
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