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A New Johnny Bucket Offering

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My "yellow one" just arrived a few minutes ago. My poor wife just called me at work with a not-very-happy -- "Now what have you ordered? There's two huge boxes on the porch!" Once I explained my weekend's plans, she was fine with it... (Do you think I should have "forewarned her?" I usually operate with the philosophy of it's easier to get forgiveness than permission....) I'm excited! I plan to put it to the test this weekend, if the weather cooperates (which it's supposed to). I have some shredded bark mulch and building stones (New England field stone) to move, and just some general cleanup of an area behind the barn where previous owners dumped things for the last 150 years. I'll take some pictures and share them, if I can operate "heavy machinery" like my friend's digital camera....
I don't think that price is bad at all. -Don McLuckie
Kent, you may have to come up with a new philosophy now that you let it out of the bag. MPH
Any chance of offering a weight box for Simplicty Broadmoors ?
Hey Kent with that philosophy "surprise" tactics that is your "honey doooo" list might just get a little looonnnngger. Ha I know mine sure would. Have fun with it, >>->happyjack<-<< P.S. John I feel your priceing is fair as you do have to make a living and if I needed one I surely would be buying one from you.
Members, I've been trying to think up ways to make my Johnny Buckets more afordable without sacrificing quality. I will offer a "U Paint" bare steel version for $399.95 instead of the $439.95. This is a savings of $40. I priced new dozer blade the other day and was shocked at the price of $700. I can't imagine what a new snowblower would cost. I belive my buckets are very modestly priced for what they can accomplish both on new and old machines. Thanks for your support, John Scheele Johnny Products[A href='http://www.johnnyproducts.com']http://www.johnnyproducts.com[/a]
Love the warning on your site, someone may be caught moving a pile dirt back and forth in thier yard,,,,MPH
The last time I checked a new snowblower attachment was around $800.00. Your prices are not that far off of what dealers get for new items, in fact you are likely cheaper. I am satisfied for what I paid. I'm sure Smiling, Sam
John, I would very much like to buy your product, but I don't have the money to at the moment (I'm 15 so funds aren't that big right now). It is nice to see someone doing manual labor to produce a UNIQUE HELPFUL IMPLEMENT that saves time and labor for people like us, I have been pitching your product on other websites and keep trying to promote these items, best of luck on your great product,-BradW
All I can say is that mine sure is saving my back. I was previously using 5 gallon buckets to move rock around the sheds and I sure could feel it when I was done. With my new JBjr. I can move 10 times more stuff with 100 times less effort. Me being a bigger guy (230lbs) I did not need any more weight in the rear of the tractor.
John, My personal opinion is that you should have raised your bolens price to 439.00 before you got everyone excited about this product. I assumed this product would have been priced at 399.00, so when the price came out at 439.00, you lost me. But thats just my opinion. Good luck.
Thanks HappyJack, it's guys like you that make it worth all the while and put the fun into it. Brad, Thanks for the compliments and promotions. Every little bit helps. "OK, this sounds like my dad talking now" When I was your age......I had a million ideas and a five dollar buget to work with. I respect a person that not afraid of hard work. That is the key formula for success. A guy like you is going to go places. Just wait and see. Sounds like you got one hell of a tractor collection started. I wish I would done what your doing at your age. Thanks, Jbucketman
Hum what's that old saying that goes along with "assumeing"?? If I really needed something or wanted it I could find a way to come up with $40 it might just take sometime doing it. Someone correct me but was there ever a firm price on the Johney Bucket or was it a deal where the owner was going to try and have the price come in at about what was stated. Just me doing some thinking but just sometimes that gets me into trouble :) >>->happyjack<-<< P.S. From what I have seen we still can buy the Johney Bucket for $399 which is saving that $40 bucks "write" and for a few cans of spray paint its a deal.
Guys, I apologize if some of you feel you have been mislead by price. That was not my intension. As you must have seen at my site, all Johnny Bucket Jrs went up in price slightly, not just Simplicity. Trust me, I am not getting rich off these. It takes alot of expencive support equipment to build these buckets. I belive they are very resonably priced for what they can do. If a name brand manufacture sold them they would be twice if not three times the price and they would not cater to your particular needs. It's a shame that some people don't want to spend alot of money on quality work saving equipment but wouldn't blink an eye spending hundreds on a entertainment items such as...TVs, Nintendos, computers, computer games, software, sound cards, golf clubs, etc.... when work saving equipment could just give you more time to do the entertainment things. Again, thanks for your support and feedback. John Scheele Johnny Products
John,,, So true on the buying 'entertainment' things! Folks will complain forever abt the price of a well made item such as yours BUT will think nothing of plunking down $the$ same amt of dough on a sporting event,trip,etc.where they get NOTHING tangible for their money,go figure!,,,.
Well, you know, I kind of find buying, fabricating, restoring and playing around with my lawn equipment is entertaining to me and I also get some work done in the process.I guess my machinery budget and my entertainment budget go hand in hand. Of course my wife has said before that it doesn't take much to amuse me. Ha Ha At least she knows where to find me each night. And don't be haranging Kent about his tactics, by golly around my home that philosphy is tried and tested true !..................Although I must admit, I'll never get ahead of that list in front of me, which reminds me................................ .
Nope John you do not have to say you are sorry "period" so don't even go there "ok". I don't see where you misled anyone in anyway shape or form. What you said about a quality product that you make and someone having to shell out money for one is very true. Its hard to find someone like yourself that takes pride in not only building a quality product but like you stated making one that suits someones needs to the letter "T". If I can understand what goes into making a product to go on sale to the public and the cost of such then any one should be able to. So don't apologize for anything. If someone wants your product then fine if not they don't have to purchase it. I for one like I have stated would buy one if I truly needed one and someday I might. Your Johney Bucket appears to be built with alot of thought, hard studying and research behind it and it does not take a person with a seeing eye dog to figure that one out either. Your prices are fair and you have to make a living and if someone feels that they can build one with the level of quality that you have then so be it let them. Well enough or to much said from me hey lifes to short so try not to take some of it to personal after all ya can't make everyone "happy". So I am sorry if anyone takes this reply in anyway but a positive one as thats the way I mean it. Thanks, >>->happtyjack<-<<
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