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Tips & Things We're Learning About This New Forum


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Just thought I'd pass along a few observations from the things I've been watching and editing:

1) We occasionally get duplicate postings for replies(i.e. the same message is repeated). I suspect that this is because you don't see your reply listed when you go back to the list of messages, so you post it again.... What's happening is your browser is not actually loading a new page from the server, but is instead showing the previous one (before you replied) that it had stored in cache (i.e. temporary) memory. If you don't see your reply listed at first, try clicking the Refresh or Reload button in your browser before you post it again. In most cases (AOL being an unpredictable exception) it will then go to the server and get a new copy of the page that will show your reply....

2) We're not taking advantage of the capability to add links in our messages. I just went back and updated a few to add the actual links, making them much easier to use. You put the actual address in the "Optional URL link" field below, and the title you want to give it in the "Text for URL link" field. For this example, I'm putting in the home page for Simple trACtors in the Optional URL link:
Simple trACtors
in the Text for URL link...

Then, the actual hot link is included in the end of the message and you can click on it to go there...

3) We can change the title of a Reply to make it more self-explanatory, if we'd like, and still be able to see that it is a reply to the original message. It automatically formats it to be:
RE: title of previous message
but we can change it to be whatever we'd like, such as
Need more info to help
and it will still be indented under the original message so we can see where it tracks.... On Yahoo you couldn't do that without losing track of what message you were responding to....

4) We can also play with formatting to make the messages a little easier to read. For example, I hit Return to make a new line to call attention to the specific phrase I was talking about... NOTE: Spacing over with the spacebar to indent doesn't work! You can't format this like in a word processor, but you can do a few things once you get the hang of it... Try it!

5) Don't misinterpret -- these aren't complaints, just some tips for those who don't use computers as much as some others do.... BTW, both Tim and I can edit these messages. So, if you make a serious mistake and don't catch it before you post it, either of us can correct it to avoid any confusion or embarassment -- just send us an E-mail!

6) If this forum seems "slower" than Yahoo, guess what the solution is -- POST MORE MESSAGES!!!!

Have a great spring-time day. It's supposed to be 70 degrees here today!!!

Kent[A href='http://www.simpletractors.com/default.htm']http://www.simpletractors.com/default.htm[/a]
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