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Honda replacement engines

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Heard about another fellow yesterday who put a Honda engine in his Soveriegn. Looked through old posts as I recalled hearing about how quiet it would be compared to the briggs and kohlers. Anyone out there seen this done and know the details? Brent
I would never put a Honda on a Simplicity or AC garden tractor, they are American built tractors with American Engines. If you don't like the noise then wear hearing protection, the sound of rice squooshing should be quieter. Have you ever priced Honda or Kawaski parts an Electric starter usually cost more than a complete B&S engine and theUSA engines are much EAsier to repair. Please don't anyone say that they don't break because they do. Cal
I don't think Honda's are any more quiet than Briggs or Kohler. They were the first with overhead valve engines and got the reputation for quiet and smooth compared to the flat head engines. But overhead valve to overhead valve, I don't hear or feel any difference (in generators, tillers, etc.) to Briggs, Kohler, Techumseh, etc. My nickels worth. Mike S.
In my opinion, honda will take more abuse than a Kohler, and Briggs is about equal, when I was working at the Simplicity dealership over the summer, those Kohlers would die before the other 2 makes, Honda is a premium motor and is the way to go, but not over my old cast briggs....-BradW
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