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'64 Landlord auction,,/NO MORE free emails,,it's c


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High bid so far is $$150,c'mon folks lets help contribute some funding to maintain this the BEST club on the net!,,,Very reliable info says govt' gonna charge 5 cents for EVERY email!Bills in congress,,TELL YOUR REP//SEN NO to bill;#602P!!!
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Seems to me E-mail is a form of tele communication which is already taxed and regulated by the Govt'. If they add charges on top of that, wouldn't that amount to double taxation?
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The email tax rumor has been around for quite a while. It isn't true (at least at this time). Congressional bills end with "S" for Senate or "HR" for House. Bill #602P is a hoax.[A href='http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/fccinternettax.htm']http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/fccinternettax.htm[/a]
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Ever look closely at cable/phone/power bills??They are all surcharge[double,triple quad even!] taxed,govts hurting for revenue,ESP Postal Serv.,,they just dream up a tax,shove it thru Cong. as rider to an existing pending bill,up for a vote,, and viola! another new tax for the masses is created,,
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When I get my pay check tax is witheld for Fed,State and Fica. When I take what's left and fill up my car taxes are witheld for fed,state and maybe even local again. When I take what's left to Walmart and buy something state and local taxes are witheld yet again. When I buy land that is sale is taxed. Then taxed again every year for as long as I "own" it. In this state we never really own land. We buy a permit that allows us to use the land and kept others out. Save for the government if they feel a need to take it back.
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