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Unofficial Home of Old Simplicity & Allis-Chalmers Garden Tractors



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Sorry to say, but you are not going to find another site dealing with any brand that gives you the information, advise, history, photos, and "just down to earth good guys" as on this one. Thanks to Kent this is the best! As for your question, the best direction for you to look is the Yahoo club, Case Garden Tractors. I recently added a 1973 Case 446 to my stable, and the members of that club are really knowledgeable. Look at the messages and you'll be able to see who the "experts" are. Hope this helps, Happy New Year. Kevin [A href='http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/casegardentractors']http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/casegardentractors[/a]
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Happy New Year! I still have my original B-112 I bought new and added another some 15 years ago. They go w/ my Dads old 1057 WH and a 10 hp M-F I rescued from a field. This great site only adds to the pleasure I get from them. Last week I found a Case 226 Hydriv, less motor, in a scrap bin. I got it for the tires and wheels but found its almost complete. Any ideas where to get some info on this. Haven't been able to find any sites that start to compare w/ this one. Thanks for your help and for the super site. To go along with the season, the NWS is calling for snow in central N.C. and its wishful to hope for enough for a blower. bobbyt
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Case is a good machine,well built, but can be dangerous when being used on hilly terrain.The hydro will''run away'[speed-up all by itself!] when oil gets hot when going down steep hills,,The fix is to jamb the speed control in reverse! digging up lawn!as brakes on it are a joke,,been there,,done that!,,
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thanks for your help and info. after reading messages on the ingersol site it really does't sound like i need this tractor especially because of my hilly terrain. i think i'll stick with my original idea on the tires and wheels and dance with the tractors that brought me. also, we got enough snow to almost shut the town down.
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