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3212 Wheel Color?


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Guys, I am in the proses of restoring my 3212 and was going to paint the wheels white but the closer I looked at them the more they looked off white. Is this true? If so, is there a good rattle can match you would recommend. Thanks for your help in advance, John
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Think what I used was called cream from NAPA but I guess I used up the last can as I can't find one to check. They are an off white for sure...MPH
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Check this out........[A href='http://www.simpletractors.com/clubhouse/ShowMessage.asp?MsgID=3025&mode=short&startwith=0']http://www.simpletractors.com/clubhouse/ShowMessage.asp?MsgID=3025&mode=short&startwith=0[/a]
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Guys, Thanks for all the leads. I found some more brands while looking for the above suggested colors. Krylon ivory is pretty close but a little to light. Rust-Oleum antique white is slightly darker and closer to the original paint I see inside of the front rim. I have another question. Is the hood stripe plain white or is it off white like the wheels? Thanks again, John
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