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sim 3012 clutch tranny problem


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the tranny on my 3012 was stuck in first gear. After tweaking and fiddling with it, I now am able to shift between gears. 2nd and reverse seem to shift better than 1st and 3rd. I also have a problem with the clutch not disengaging all the way when I depress the pedal; the belt still spins the input shaft to the tranny even with the pedal depressed all the way. Anybody got any slick tricks to fix this without the inevitable split the tranny and actually fix it!
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If the 3012 has the variable speed drive and the adjustment procedure doesn't result in the belt releasing U likely need a new belt. The old ones get flimsy,I call it losing their backbone, and won't spring free from the pulley like they should. I have adjusted cold belts only to have them act up when they got warmed up. Belt drag will cause hard shifting. Bill
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For hard shifting, you may want to check the neutral safety switch, mounted just above where the shifr rod attaches to the tranny. I had a similar problem on my B-210 variable speed (3210 equivalent) and it was because of friction between the shift rod and this neutral safety switch. A little grease and a little adjustment solved it... If the belt doesn't stop turning when clutched, look at the belt stop on the idler pulley (if variable speed). When you clutch the tractor, this stop should pivot forward just enough to lightly pinch the belt and stop it from turning. Yet, when the clutch is out, the belt must be able to move freely and not rub this stop. I've linked in the Varidrive adjustment procedure which shows this belt stop.[A href='http://simpletractors.com/service/vari-drive_adjustment.htm']http://simpletractors.com/service/vari-drive_adjustment.htm[/a]
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