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Unofficial Home of Old Simplicity & Allis-Chalmers Garden Tractors

Treasurers report


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The Simplicity and Allis Chalmers Garden Tractor Club now has an account for income and expenses. If you would like to help with the expenses of the group donations can be sent to Larry Comer, 201 W Florida Street, Casey, IL. 62420. Any funds recieved will be put in the club account and any expenses will be paid from that fund. I have agreed to act as treasurer for this group. We do not want anyone to feel obligated but as you know anything as good as this page has some cost involved. If you would like a reciept for your donation please indicate with your payment and I will send you one. I will work with Tim our president as his name is also on the account. This is your oppertunity to get involved with the group.
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