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Reminder to all members -- a new opinion poll

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Herb, If it gets close enough to where a two vote difference (added to one, subtracted from the other) would be significant, I'd try to figure out something like manually editing the database.... But I don't think it's necessary at this point, do you? I think it's becoming pretty clear what the majority of voting members think... Is his name Chad, by chance? Kent
is on the Club News page. Please voice your opinion about allowing non-tractor discussions on this forum... Thanks! Kent
Kent, Thanks for taking the time for putting the poll together. John H
I asked a guy I know to join the club. He lives in Palm Beach, FL. He claims he got confused by your ballot and voted the wrong way. What should he do?
That confused individual should probably stick with green and yellow tractors since he undoubtably already owns at least 2. Brent
All: I'm uncomfortable voicing my opinion b/c I'm a new member, but I feel strongly about it so I will. I vote to continue NT topics, b/c: 1) I learn tremendous amounts from this multi-talented and diverse group that I would otherwise miss, if they never mentioned anything beyond the orange and yellow. 2) Including NT's allows greater connections to be formed, and potentially, real friendships to form, that otherwise might not, or would take much longer to form. 3) I enjoy the feeling of "community" I get from learning that values that I hold dear ARE shared by others, here at this website. Specifically, my values, for example, the financial, emotional and, yes, spiritual benefits I derive from turning someone else's (literal) garbage into valuable equipment, by repairing and using it, completely baffle the corporate "zipper heads" I usually end up working with. (Example: "You mean it [lawnmowers, usually] was in their GARBAGE and you took it HOME?" They don't understand that a commercial Toro sells for over $1,000.00 and I can probably fix it for free. They're just horrified. Of course, they also don't understand why I would choose to wear/ruin $7.00 jeans from the Salvation Army, rather than $33.00 Structure-brand jeans). I'm sure I am a source of amusement to those who, were they honest, would have to admit they're intimidated by that which they don't understand, or unable to do themselves. But it IS wearing on a person, to not have a community to "commune" with. This website, WITH the NT topics included, is so valuable to me, I don't want to limit it to tractors only. I'm stimulated by someone starting a debate on the issue of what is the most responsible/sensible use of old tools, as museum pieces or TOOLS. I want to know what people with my values think about tractors, and about SEMI-related topics, and about LIFE in GENERAL. 4) *Phew* Now for the worst: I simply cannot understand how any rational person could be offended by the inclusion of NT topics IF THEY ARE CLEARLY MARKED???? I mean, if you don't like Rush Limbaugh, don't turn on the radio from noon to 3pm, on the EIB network. If you don't like porn, don't go to "***** 'R Us!" Why should (ahem...what appears to be the MAJORITY) suffer for what is (sorry guys) essentially an easily-avoidable thing, as in "Don't click on the NT threads if you only want to read about tractors?" I wish someone could explain how the very presence of NT topics, clearly marked, detracts AT ALL from their enjoyment of tractor-related topics? B/c I can come up w/ many reasons why it's unfair to remove what most people seem to want, especially when the NT's are clearly marked. For example, under the Benthanistic theory of "It's good to do what provides the greatest good for the greatest number...", for you philosophy-types, having to "skip" an "NT" post and click on the next one is an infinitely smaller price to pay, by those who are uninterested in NT's, than the loss suffered by those of us who desire to commune with others who share our values (tractors), on UNrelated topics. We ARE greatly hurt by this loss...but again, how are the anti-NT readers hurt by SKIPPING what they don't want to read ANYWAY? Here's another analogy: If I don't like tofu, (and I assure you, for the most part, I don't), I don't have to eat it if I see it in the fridge, next to the Ring Ding Jr's. But just because it's healthy and good for you, should I throw it out? Why can't I just ignore it as I reach for my unhealthy snack? If I throw the tofu out, I hurt someone else in my household (for which I'll pay dearly, but that's another matter-lol). If I leave the tofu alone, BOTH people in the house get the snack of their choice, and I'm not forced to eat their healthy snack, even though it might benefit me if I did.... Uh oh: Does this analogy actually mean that, just like my health WOULD BENEFIT if I ate the tofu, the MINDS of anti-NT folks WOULD BENEFIT from exposure to the NT topics? Hmmmmm.... 5) I loved Woody's post on this subject, and although I laughed out loud reading it, I agree with it: if the NT's go way, I might "pull a Woody" (ooops, sorry, don't want to start a P.C. debate here too!) and say "Any attempt to fence me and I'm gone!" or words to that affect. (Woody, that's from memory, so pardon me if the quote is not exact). There...I did it what I had been trying to avoid. So let the chips fall where they may, b/c at least I was honest.... And I would have kept my "new member mouth" shut if Kent had not continued to urge us to voice our opinions, but I'm glad he did, actually. Thanks, everyone. Peter, a.k.a. "BigSix"
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