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Hydro help!


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I just brought home a Simplicity 7119 Hydro, hydraulic lift, no engine. It had been sitting in a field for some time. Very rough. I am worried about the hydro. One of the free-wheeling pins is up and wont move, the other one is down. Help! what do I do?
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Those hydros don't give a lot of trouble. To get the bypass valve to come up, soak it with penetrating oil and then if you have to you can unscrew it from the housing. Then using a small screwdriver, put it again the shaft where it is turned down and workit up. Once it is up you can take a wire wheel and clean the part that sticks out. Likely will save OK. Good luck, Al
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Another thing you can use to help push the ball valve up (when it is removed from the trans) is a small numbered drill. Use the largest size that will fit. Mount the point of the bit 1/2 way down in a vise to support it from breaking. Push the valve onto the flat end of the bit being careful not to bend the bit too much. Work it back and forth until it fully releases. A "miracle" loosener by Kano called Sili-Kroil works very well in loosening stuborn parts.
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Also both valves are same so if you want to push the tractor in the direction of the stuck valve you can switch them around. NEVER TOW these tranmissions - only push them slowly. They will not lubricate properly when towed and can burn up. :(
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Also if towed any distance with another vehicle without'neutralizing' hydro WILL brake the piston retainer inside hydro motor in a million pieces,thus rendering hydro to a MAJOR expense! It's one of them deals where part that brakes costs $11,but to replace it it's major surgery and clean-up! dlc
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thanks for the help guys! Got the motor in the 7119 and the hydro seems to work fine, even mowed a little grass with it. Changed the oil and filter. The front tow button goes up and down nicely, but the rear one is stuck up. Is this a problem?

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Les, "up" is drive position. Just don't try to push or tow it without freeing it up and depressing both of them.
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Sorry, I missed that post. Only way I know is to take out the valve assembly, take it apart, clean up as required, etc.
Yes, Sunday at 7 Eastern.
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