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Happy Birthday To Me !!! NOT


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Yesterday we got a couple inches of snow so I had to "play" on my birthday.

Plowed the drive way with my B 10, that I've been using regularly for a couple years.

Then took out the Landlord and blower I had for sale and blew the pile away.

Today we are getting several inches, got a few on the ground and some drifts.

Kids are home so I decided to take them out to play while I clean the drive way.

The B 10 sits outside right now, not enough room. Got it started and ready to plow and it wouldn't move :o:O:O

Axle tube is turning, diff is turning, but not the wheels. Grrr

I'll blow the drive way instead. Got the Landlord fired up and out of the garage, one pass from the garage door to the center of the road. Works great!

Put it in reverse to turn around and no go ???

Axle tube peeled wide open. :o:O:O

Got the 2210 out with a plow on it that WAS for sale, just to drag the Landlord out of the road, and parked them all. I'll plow later after I put chains and weights on the 2210.


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So, as of now;

My B10 needs differential work.

Landlord with blower needs an axle tube.

My squire needs a flywheel fan and fiber disc, keeps breaking the drive shaft bolts off in the flywheel.

Jim Dicks Landlord hydro needs pump work, it seems it won't move in cold weather without warming up for 20 minutes or so.

Jim's 712H still has no engine.

Got my fingers crossed the 2210 wants to plow snow :(!:(!

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quote:Originally posted by tadams

I think they are telling you it's toooo coldTom :)

id="quote">I really hope that is not the case. 18 degrees isn't all that cold yet....
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Happy Birthday:J

We are finally maybe going to get some plowable snow here at the end of the week. So my choices this week are Simplicity walk behind blower, B-10 or 716 plow tractor, or 7116 or 917 blower tractor.

Hard to pick which one has less chance of breaking sometimes, right?

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I guess there is a bright side to some things.

The 2210 without weights or chains pushed a 42" plow almost as well as the B 10 pushes the 46" with loaded 6" ags.

Might have to pull one tire off the 2210 just to check, I would almost bet those 7.50 12 Allstates are loaded 8D

After I got the driveway done, the B 10 was a quick fix. It sheared the roll pins in the hub, and I just happened to have a spare hub on the shelf :o

As far as the Landlord is concerned, I'm actually glad the tube split on me, and not on a new customer first time out .....

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Dan, I feel your pain! I have broken my walk behind snowblower drive, and my B12 snowblower has eaten 2 belts. I finally adjusted the blower on the tractor correctly and then blew the motor on my wife's birthday! 1-18. The SG turns the crank with no problem, but there is no resistance on it when it spins. So, time to move the blower to the B10 and hope for the best. I'm going to try and get the 16 hp engine I bought from you a couple of years ago into the B12 to make sure I have a back-up.

Happy birthday!

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quote:Originally posted by rokon2813

I guess there is a bright side to some things.The 2210 without weights or chains pushed a 42" plow almost as well as the B 10 pushes the 46" with loaded 6" ags.

id="quote">My 7013 does great without chains or weights. So does my Landlord. I use a 46" blade on the 7013 and the 42" on the Landlord. I can zoom right by the neighbor stuck and spinning on his wheelhorse and he weighs 3x as much as I do.
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Ouch!...bad luck for a B-day. I envy the snow though. I've only used my winter worker once so far...

Good luck w/repairs Dan & welcome to "Round 6" (your 50's) sm01

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Ouch Dan, ...not a great Birthday. I'm in a similar boat. My blowing tractor has a rear flat (bad tube!!probably China made! and a front flat :Y)and is leaking fuel. My plowing tractor is leaking fuel as well :Y:Yngr2. JH

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quote:Originally posted by PhanDad

Quick recovery.

id="quote">All together, I might have 3 hours into it, but spread over 3 days. Had to pull the B10 rear out in the snow, no room inside for another one. Found a decent pair of front rims with junk tires so I had to dig out tires and tubes, let it all sit inside by the wood stove over night :DIt pays to have piles of parts.....While I was digging, I ran across a pair of ags, that were cut for pulling. They came on the last load from Jim's stuff, and had to try them out. You can see them on the rear of the 2210 in front of the blower.I'm liking those, sm01, so far they don't spin on gravel or blacktop, only on grass.I was right, the Allstate turfs that were on that tractor are loaded and heavy.
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