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Dual rear wheels.

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Hi everyone. Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. No, I dont own an AC or Simplicity or any other make of mower featured on this site. However, I'm designing an ultimate 'yard hauler' out of a Jacobsen 775 (which I can post info about if anyone is interested). My question is about the dual wheels. I've seen pictures of the adapters, but could someone please provide me with pictures of the dual wheels installed, and if possible, detailed photos of each part? Thank you, 68 Mag
I don't have any close up pictures of the wheels but I remember seeing this picture in the gallery. Hope this will help.[A href='http://www.simpletractors.com/gallery/allis_forklift.htm']http://www.simpletractors.com/gallery/allis_forklift.htm[/a]
Here's some more pics of a tractor with duals, that I just added to the Gallery...[A href='http://www.simpletractors.com/gallery/1964_landlord.htm']http://www.simpletractors.com/gallery/1964_landlord.htm[/a]
Here's a picture of the old B-series adapters, along with other options and accessories... http://www.simpletractors.com/images/b_attachments_images/options.jpg
68 Mag In the above photo it looks like one end of the adapter has holes that are the same diameter as the wheel rim holes. That side will mate to the inner wheel. The lug bolts are inserted thru the adapter plate, then thru the rim and into the axle flange. The outer ring of the adapter as threaded holes which will accept the second wheel and a second set of lug bolts. I have never seen this item in real life, so can someone else confirm this for us? I believe that these were also supplied with the Simplicity front loader. Their purpose was to move the rear wheels outward and allow clearance for the loader mounting frame to pass between the tractor frame and rear tire. Ben
I believe that special lug bolts, kind of like a threaded rod with a nut in the center, are used to mount the main wheels. The adapter fits on these studs, and is mounted with lug nuts. The outer wheel fastens with the standard wheel bolts. Pat http://a6.cpimg.com/image/12/00/8991506-d3ec-020000F8-.jpg
Lance, I would be interested in seeing your "ultimate yard hauler Jacobsen 775". I'm sure others would too. Can't help you directly with info about the dual wheel adapters, but use the "Single Keyword" above and search on "wheel" or "dual". There have been several discussions. I think one stated that different width tires were used. Another was about making a spacer for the edge of the rim, and using the square weight holes to bolt the wheels together. Who knows, you poke around here long enough, you may build the ultimate Simplicity or Allis yard hauler..........
Mark's 64 Landlord looks super! I especially like the "polished" engine. Roy
Hi, Easiest way to put on duals is to get a piece of 1 1/4" x 3/16 strap iron and roll a ring that just fits inside the flange at the bead on the rim. You want it to fit tight in the rolled lip, so it won't slip around. Use 2 pieces of 1/2" redi-bolt. Put a nut and washer on the inside and the outside of the disc [on the redi-bolt] on the drive wheels on the tractor. Use 2 opposite wheel weight mounting holes. Set the outside dual against the band and put nuts on the outer end of the redi bolt and draw it up. You can use the 2 holes that are left to put on wheel weights if you want. The easiest way to make the bands is to take something like a 5" piece of channel iron lay it U up and lay the strap iron across it and take a hammer and just work it in a circle. Pound a little and move it about 3/4" and pound it again. As you get a ring keep checking it again the wheel rim and go back to the channel and adjust it some more. Once you are there cut it off and weld the ends together. You can make perfect bands this way. Through the years I have probably "rolled" 20 sets. You can make them in 20 minutes. This is the way duals are put on many BIG farm tractors. Have fun, Al Eden
Thanks. I have a question or two. Mark, it looks like both your sets of rims are what I call 'inset', with only one 'side' on them. How do you bolt the adapter to the inside lugs? I simply dont see how you could fit a wrench or socket in there. Would Sandy Lake Implement have photos of the adapters? Thanks a lot, 68 Mag
Does a photo or better yet a diagram of the dual adapter exist from any of Simplicity's literature?? Dick
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