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hard starting 4040


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I got my powermax put back together and started it up. Sometimes it starts right up on the first turn of the key, but if it doesn't I have a hard time starting it. It wears the battery down pretty fast, I tried a new battery but it did not help. Sounds as if the starter is not fully engaging or drawing too much juice. I've read past messages about auxilary solenoid and cleaning starter. Who currently sells one of these kits?? and is this the direction I should be going?? Thanx
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Michael, If it wears the battery down, is it turning over? If not, you may have a dead spot on your starter's comutator ring. If that's the case, and the starter is NOT turning, do not hold the key in the start position too long! It will burn the copper plates on the commutator. That happened to me when I got my second 9020. I had cleaned it up with Gunk engine degreaser and some of it got into the starter. That stuff acted like dielectric grease, and the starter brushes were contacting more than a couple of the copper plates on the commutator. The starter soon would not turn at all, becaus I had actually melted the copper plates into a bead that wouldn't pass the brushes. I don't know if that's the problem but if you can give more info, it would help. Paul
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Paul, It is turning over... But it sounds like the starter is not fulling engaging not quite a grinding sound but close. Starts out semi-fast but then drains the battery quickly. Thanks for your suggestion. Mike
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My big Sears (Onan 20 hp) sounded like you describe and I rebuilt the drive end of the starter. Works like new now. Dick
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Definately sounds like a possible worn starter. They will turn over with enough juice (current) but will drain the battery very quickly. Does the positive battery cable feel very warm to the touch after cranking for about 5 seconds? That is a quick way to tell. Eventually it won't turn over the engine quickly enough to start even with two batteries hooked up.
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