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B-112 ComeBack


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Thanks to all who contribute to this board. Past postings is what made it possible to get the 112 back into service after three years down time. Some questions, if someone could please help. 1. Mower bearing for 48" deck will need replaced soon. Can these bearings still be purchased? How do you remove the bearing with the pipe (spacer)between them. 2. Center mower drive shaft shot. Top cast steel pulley and lower pulley running out of round. Tried shims,still run out Are these parts still available or is there a fix? 3. Front tire has slow leak. Can tube be used in this tubless tire. Spray stuff (sealer) just makes a mess when you go to take the tire off. 4. Filled with gas and did some magic and IT RAN. Noticed a fuel leak drip from under the carb. but cannot find source. Sure there isn't a crack. Any ideas? Sorry for all the question but just get carried away wanting ever thing to be back to where it was, say, just 20 years ago. Thank you for your support and sound advice. Bob Schipper "chipper" happy and retired
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1 & 2) Wait for an answer from someone experienced with those decks. 3) Sure, a tube will work. 4) If all the "normal" stuff is okay (float, valve, etc.), click link for Flo-Jet tips.[A href='http://www.perr.com/tip9.html']http://www.perr.com/tip9.html[/a]
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1 and 2 I can not help with. #3 Yes you can use a tube in a tubeless tire. I would use some soap water first to see were the leak is. If it is leaking around the bead you may be able to dismount the tire and clean up the bead (rust maybe). #4 I would bet your needle valve is leaking. It could be a piece of "fly poop" or other contaminants in the carb. A good cleaning could help. A new needle would be a good Idea too. While your in there a whole carb kit would be a good Idea (which includes the needle). I just did mine, the kit cost about 23 dollars. Also make sure the float is adjusted right, the carb kit has a small paper that shows how it should be adjusted. Good Luck, Rob Well Dutch and I had almost the same answers but he beat me to it. I was typing while he posted.
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I'll give this a shot... On your mower deck. I believe the bearings for these are all the same (I think my dealer told me that??) for almost all the decks and yes they are easily obtainable at most any parts store. I think the last time I got them they were $9 each, but I've seen them at $18 each too. Heat around the inner bearing race will loosen those bearngs up so they'll nearly drop off. If you don't have heat, experiment, they are junk anyway so beat them off most any way you can, within reason. Try to stay square on the outside of the race with a heavy drift or punch of some sort and just wail away with a BFH. I'm not too certain about your problem with the center spindle. Possibly your splined center shaft top bolt came loose and let the splines get all chewed up, making everything oblong and running out of round,?? or possibly the bottom flange has rusted out and has left the bottom bearing with no housing to run in.??? Check it out some more. If you can grasp the blade and turn the pulleys, somethings wrong. You may be better off welding it and just planning on cutting it off if the need arises in the future. (It's basically junk anyway). Parts are in the $100 + range for a shaft and pulleys with bearings etc. Good luck!! Sandy
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Be careful trying to get the shafts out if you hit them with a hammer you will damage the shaft.Best way is to get it apart is taking the hub assy. out of the deck and bring them to a automotive repair shop or most parts stores would be able to to press them out for you.I would bet that the center shaft is shot so plan on getting a good used one or find a new one.I bought a used one last year.Had to do some work on it but it is useable now.Good luck next time I make a new shaft easy to make for me at work.Bob
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Hi Bob, I think I can help. 1) yes, the bearings are available. The part number is 108202. they list for 7.29 ea. If your center spindle is out of round I would check the shaft after you remove it. If the shaft has the bearing width wore into it, replace it. Also, if it is a hub style, (where three bolts fix the pulley to the hub), I would check the diameter of the hub. If it has ever been loose it will wear. A bad bearing in either end of the arbor assembly will also cause it to be out of round. These parts are all available so don't worry if you find a broken piece. In the tire I would put in a tube. Have an automotive place install the tube and make sure there are no sharp protrutions on the rim or in the tire. I will speculate that your carb will need a good cleaning. it sounds like the float valve is sticking. I would install a complete carb kit if it is feasable. One of the most important items is that you weld the seam on the arbor tube you talked about. They had a tendancy to spread apart after years of operation. To get it apart, if you don't have access to a press, use the BFH. If the shaft is damaged bad, has a ridge from running loose, cut it off and grind it even with the bearing. Do not grind into the housing that holds the bearing. I hope I have helped. Neal Pierce
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Chipper, One more note:: Make sure the pulleys for each shaft are in good shape as far as the shaft hole and belt groove being in good condition. I would go ahead and put new pulleys on with new shafts ( not expensive). Also use New keys in the slots.. Marion Kerr
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