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4040 starter problems


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Powermax owners put your thinking caps. Tractor was turning over fine so I put it together and put spark plug wires on it turned over fine then started to spark near fly wheel it looks like starter is grinding flywheel not good. do I have small round spacers on wrong (starter to mounting plate).IM going to order Al Edens kit on monday and will fix wiring as per JeffG also put rubber between frame and cables Now its turing over slow same problemm as before. Almost a grinding sound battery is fine I took good car battery same thing. Help with a really big please!
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Mike, I don't know about the 4040 (CCKA), but I know that with the Powermax tractors with the CCKB, there's a measurement that has to be done when installing the starter to make sure the gear meshes properly. You should have a minimum of 1/16" to 1/8" distance between the pinion and ring gears (in the axial direction) when the starter is at rest. Also, make sure you have the correct pinion gear on the starter. Paul
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Mike, You (and your son) are gaining some valuable experience and time together, and you can't put a price on that! Enjoy the PowerMax experience - and the sense of satisfaction, when you get her all fixed and operarting. You'll get there, just don't get discouraged. Good luck. Jeff
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Jeff dont rub it in. IF Id bought yours, instead of this fixer upper, my head would not be hurting from all the torn out hair, and my two year old boy, would not be able to say garage and tractor.
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