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Sleeve hitches.


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Here's a link to a previous thread about a hitch.[A href='http://www.simpletractors.com/clubhouse/ShowMessage.asp?MsgID=3938&mode=short&startwith=160'][img src='http://home.att.net/~herb.niewender/hitch-seq.jpg'][/a]
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It's me, again. After doing some searching, I discovered I do not have the 100 or more dollars to buy a sleeve hitch for my tractor(s). However, I need one. Now, after looking at several hitches, I've come up with what I believe is a good design, but I have a question or two. When the hitch is mounted on the tractor and you're looking at it from the rear, there is a large 'tab' on the right side. What is this, and what's it do? Also, there is a rod. Since I cant find a detailed photo of the hitch installed on a tractor, what's this rod do? Where does it go? Thanks, 68 Mag
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I would also like to see a detailed photo with the sleeve hitch attatched,with and without an attatchment hooked to it (plow or disc).
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Ken, Here's some photos of a plow hooked to my tractor. http://home.att.net/~herb.niewender/plow-seq.jpg
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