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Tested the plow...again


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Well, I re-vamped my hitch again. Now it's 2 pins, and the plow can swivel vertically, but not horizontally. This worked well, I'm just going to have to fabricate a lift with downpressure to keep it in the ground. The concrete blocks didnt work too well.
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If the pitch is set right you shouldn't need any wt on a plow, the tip should pull it into the soil til it is running level..MPH ps is your plow shinny and rust free???
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Like Marty said, if the pitch is set correctly (point touching ground - rear about 6"-8" higher), plow will pull itself into ground without any extra weight. Shiny and rust free makes a BIG difference (I learned the hard way). Get to work with the sand paper. http://home.att.net/~herb.niewender/pulldown.jpg
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Yea sandpaper, did you have to remind me of one project before spring Herb. I was really hoping plowing hardpack snow on the driveway would have cleaned my plow...MPH
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