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An AC whaddyacallit?


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Ran across an AC for sale today too small for a compact, but it has to be too something for a garden tractor too. It's built kind of like a road grader with a long high frame and rear engine. The engine is a tiny flathead four watercooled, skinny tires about 26" tall on rear, and about 14" front. I would say it weighs a fair amount less than some of the larger garden tractors. What the heck is it?
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I agree Model G not built by Simplicity but AC. This is a gem. Back in Wisconsin they were fetching $1600 at auctions a few years ago and there were not too many of them built. Circa 1950's.
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I agree it muct be a G. They were built with a 3 speed transmission, and a number of attachments that attached in the middle. They had a 9 hp water cooled Continental engine. As I remember around 55 to 60 cu in. Around here they bring form 1750 to 3500 dollars depending on condition. One thing that makes them valuable is if they have the belt pulley drive down on the side. Without it you can't run a mower. Woods makes belly mowers to fit them, mostly 1 blade 42in. The only belt pulley parts available are used. Thats my free 2 cents worth, AL
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Bruce, I agree it sounds like a mod.G AC. It is primarily a cultivation/seeder/sprayer trac. These are still in use in NY Black-dirt[muckland]on onion/celery crops. They were made in the 50's and there WAS a Co. in the 60'S[possib. Japaneese?] that made a copy of these.The above posters are correct,they still fetch a premium price today as they are a very versitale machine !That little eng. only puts out abt. 9HP, I believe.If you can get this unit cheaply,I would suggest to buy it,might make a pretty good plow/grader unit up in the land of the midnight sun! Dave C.
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Ok. It's a "G". It's priced @ $800. Looks complete. But I really don't need it. Have my Big Ten, and trying to save up for a Magnatrac....or an Accutrac? Just found the latter locally, but no info on it.
If anyone iterested in the "G" enough to pay shipping from AK (south-bound freight can be cheap at times), I will get the owners tel # for them, and assist in any way I can.
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