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Is it just my sys., or is the download time for pg. views on the forum EXCESSIVELY LONG??WHAT'S UP...squirrel get off treadmill or something?! dlc
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Time to update your system again Dave - don't you know you have to spend $900 every week to keep up these days? Just kidding - mine is the same way. I'm sure Kent is working hard at debugging. Now if you would hire him is own programer I'm sure he would appreciate it VERY much!

Hey - what were those little clear things that came down out of the sky? They made everything wet around here! Did anyone else see them? :)
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I tried contacting Tech Support -- to no avail. This is the second weekend recently that there's been problems that have lasted all weekend.... I tried for several hours to publish an update to the site, unsuccessfully.

I'm looking to move the site to another server (again...yuck) but this level of service and support is NOT acceptable.
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