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wiring diagram allis B 10

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Hi again all, I am still trying to track down a wiring diagram for my
awesome little B10 ,Having many problems, lots of sparks flyin today.
Please help with whatever you can. Thanks guys.
Mike, Sorry I have not got a chance to scan the wiring diagram, I assume you want the diagram for wiring the regulator, starter/generator, ampmeter, and starter switch. All the coil needs is a bat. lead to the + side and the - side goes to the points. the wiring diagram I use is in the Briggs repair manual not an AC manual. You can pick up a Briggs manual at a Briggs dealer. I will try to get you the diagram this weekend. Tim
Thanks tim ,and ya the voltage reg and switch and generator,thats the stuff I am looking for
I am sure a briggs book would come in handy,I'll have a look around tomorrow.
Your diagram would be much appreciated though, thank you .
Hi again tim, I dont have power point, I found a briggs book ,but I have an extra piece
that is'nt shown in the book, its some sort of resistor
small rectangular shape mounted on the fire wall it has two tabs coming off where the wire hook up.
The two lines besides the bat lead comming from the ign switch are going to that resisitor
But my diagram does'nt show it? any ideas? thanks.
Mike, I found a B10 wiring diagram in my tractor manual. I'll send you that. Also do you have power point, I can reduce the picture best in power point. Every thing I scan comes out really big. Concerning the coil verses the Magnito, you will need a different ignition switch. The B10 switch is one poll and when you turn it in the off position it shorts to groud. This is used to ground out the Magnito. You will need a switch that will open the circuit between the battary and the + side of the coil. The B10 switch will not work. Tim
Mike, Your talking about a custom wiring job. The B10 had only one lead on the ignition switch and that went to the points to short out the magnito system. The ignion switch is nothing but a short to ground. If you can draw and fax me your wiring layout I can tell you how to fix it. My fax is 610-559-1715. I think your best option is to get rid of the coil and put it back original. I can furnish you with a B10 wiring Diagram and picture. Do you still use the starter button or do you start it with the key? You can email me also. Tim
Hi again about putting back original I am not sure I want to do that
The thing worked great the way it was, but for some reason its not now, I'll send you
the diagram of how its wired now and maybe you have an idea.
Thanks for the info. mike
HELLO there I have a tractor set up with a coil and it works fine. I can tell you how mine is wired if that helps wire from neg post of coil goes to pointsB.wire from posative coil post goes to switch C.wire from positive battery terminal goes to other side of the switch. my coil has an internal..(cant remember if they call it a condenser or resistor)that might explain the little gadget between your coil and other components hope that helps a little JBLACK
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