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Unofficial Home of Old Simplicity & Allis-Chalmers Garden Tractors



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Are there any magazines out there that feature just lawn and garden tractors and related products ? I have seen a number of mags that feature vintage ag tracs but a limited area on L&G machines. Thanks Again Guys
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"King's Books" offers a few books on garden tractors and lawnmowers: "Garden Tractors Vol. 1 (1920-1956)", "Garden Tractors Vol. 2 (1919-1977)", "Garden Tractors Vol. 3 (1919-1980)", and "Lawn Mowers (1948-1962)". There may be more that I do not know of. I personally do not own any of these books, but I have seen them and they were not what I was hoping for. They deal with mostly the two-wheeled tractors and odd-balls. I also would like to find literature on various (especially Simplicity and AC) garden tractors, either in the form of books or magazines. However, I have found this website to be more informational than any books that could be produced. Hey, maybe Kent should produce a book on all the knowledge shared on this site over the years. Could be a real money-maker. Maybe it would make the "Best Sellers" list! DaveM
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I have seen talk on other clubs of a book that is about the Wheel Horse tractors.I don't know the title of it or anything.Has far a magazine's I have not personally seen anything.However I read somewhere about a John Deere club type magazine. I you are looking for a great magazine just print every page on this site and staple it LOL. mowerman1193
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