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B-1 versus L-10 Loader


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I have a Allis Chalmers Model B-1 front end loader...what is the difference between this loader versus the L-10 model ? Thanks Ray
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good morning, i don't beleive there is a difference between the too loaders. i have an L-112 which has the hydro return/dump, and i'm lead to beleive that thr only other kind is the cam/trip bucket.
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There MAY be a difference in how the hydraulic pump mounts on the front loader. I've heard of (and I think I've seen one picture of) an early loader that used a direct coupling to connect the hydraulic pump to the engine's crankshaft. This placed the pump directly in front of the engine, rather than off to the side and driven by a pulley like the later model loaders.... Other than that, I think they're the same trip bucket as an L-10...
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There are slight differences in the early loaders. The B-1 loader did not use a full subframe like the later B-10 labeled loaders. Both mounted the pump directly onto the front engine shaft by a "lovejoy" flex coupling. I have a parts list from both styles that I could try and scan into a PDF tonight if there is any interest. Also this Dealer Attachment parts list book has parts lists on the fork lift and some of the other neat attachments. Kent would you would be interested a list of the attachment parts lists I have or scans of the parts lists themselves? I could do it a little at a time.
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Greg, I have the dealer parts manual for the B-1 through B-12 attachments. Is that what you have? I just haven't had/found the time to do anything more with them. Kent
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ALLIS CHALMERS FRONT LOADER B-SERIES [url]http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1922720179[/url] [img]http://ebay0.ipixmedia.com/abc/M28/_EBAY_cbaf6bc80ab0fed9173dad6492487e7c/i-1.JPG[/img]
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Kent, I have an original in good condition "Dealers Parts Catalog, Attachments for B-1,B-10,B-12,Big Ten, B-110, B112 Wheel Tractors" Publication form PC 7000 (Replaces D-98) dated 7/69 I also have a "Dealer Parts Catalog for Models B-1 & B-10 Wheel tractors and Attachments Dated Dec 1963 Form D59 In the first catalog dated 7/69 it lists L-12, L-10 and L-112 Loaders. Besides it lists the Forklift, Tow Bee, A-10 auger, Reel mower ,and both cable lift and non-cable lift sickle bar mowers, with both parts lists and the assembly diagrams. The second catalog dated 1963 lists the B-1 and B-10 tractors and also the attachments including: Forklift, B-1 and B-10 loader. If you would like I could try to scan the table of contents into a PDF for you to look at.
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Greg, I have the D-98, dated 11/67 but it only covers the L-10 and L-12. (Bit of trivia I picked up when looking through it -- they hydraulic pump for the L-10 and the rare forklift are the same). I don't have the parts catalog for the B-1 loader, nor the L-112. Scans at 300 DPI would be appreciated! Kent
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