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Homelite T-13


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Can anyone tell me if the Simplicity version of Homelite had the oval decal on the back of the fenders, and if it does is it at the same location as the Allis version? I have a local business making the other decals and hope to get the tractor done this spring. Pictures are coming now that I finally figured out how to upload pics to my gallery.
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I'm pretty sure it does not have the circle, but it may say Homelite in white block letters similar to the "hydrostatic" and "shuttle" scripts on the sides of the cowl. I'll have to go out and see for sure, but I think I recall haiving my decal man work on printing that up along with all the other decals for my sons Simplicity version T-16H. Gte back with you later , unless someone else gets here with the answer before I get back.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I finally got around to uploading some pics of my Homelite:I. Thanks to SmilinSam for pointing me in the right direction with the rear deck decal. This tractor has the lettering on the back as you decribe, but I just wasn't sure it was correct. Another question I do have about decals is for the instrument panel, does this have any markings on it of any kind? Thanks again for any and all help!

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Here are a couple more pics of the restoration. Notice the replated steeing & throttle parts. This was done a a local plating company, I have most everything plated which would have been plated or possibly unprotected including the manual lift handle(rechromed)for $30. [img]/club2/attach/PeppyDan/homelite8.jpg[/img]

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They work great for painting, It allows me to get to most any angle easily. I also have one for the rearend assembly once I get seals & misc. repairs done to it. I plan on using two square tubes with wheels on the end, having them slide in the ends of the existing tubes on the frames stand to keep it from tipping as more weight gets put on the front.
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