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Haben Sickle mowers


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I have a haben sickle mower that fits a John Deere 100 and 200 series lawn mowers. I was wondering if the same mower would fit any AC or simplicity lawn mowers. also people have hard times finding sections for their haben mowers. I put new sections on mine and olver sections fit perfict.
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I have a Haban sicklebar mower for the AC 300 and 400 series tractors. It is similar to the Haban sicklebar mowers for Cub Cadets with a different mounting frame. It runs off the front clutch.
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My Simplicity sickle bar mower has smaller cutters, and I think I've seen posted that these were made for Simplicity and AC by Haban.

I also have another Haban sickle bar mower that the literature says will fit a Sears Suburban(circa 1963 or so). It has the larger cutters and will cut through a 130 degree arc, from near vertical to something like 40 degrees below horizontal....

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Some pictures of the Haban sickle bar mower built for the AC 300 and 400 series: [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//uploaded/carlh/Haban_1s.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//uploaded/carlh/Haban_2s.jpg[/img] Comparison of rockguards for Haban and Simplicity: [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//uploaded/carlh/Haban_3s.jpg[/img] I have found that David Bradley and old Bolens sickle bar mowers use sections and rockguards that are interchangeable with the Simplicity parts. These seem to be relatively inexpensive at engine and tractor shows and not too bad on eBay. Of course, these are used parts so condition is variable.
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Here's a photo of a Simplicity hitch that uses the lift arm (#990210), and a sketch to convert it to a cable lift. They may help you design a hitch. [img]/club2/attach/dutch/sickle-seq.jpg[/img]
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Carl, is that mower for the 300 or 400 series AC by any chance a model 402E? Sure looks like one I picked up at an auction and still have no clue what is was ever mounted on...MPH
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I don't know which variant of the 402 Haban mower it is. It was sold by Allis Chalmers not Haban. The installation/operators sheets I have say nothing about Haban. I also bought mine at auction closing out an Allis Chalmers dealership. I intended to mount it on a Simplicity built tractor but I haven't got it done. It has never been used.
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Carl I think your mower was built by haban because it lookes idencle to mine what says haban. The only diffrence is that when mounted on a John Deere you have to have a gear box and a luttle diffrent mounts on the frount but bascaly the same disgn. MPH i will look at my mower to marrow and post back what number it is. I might un mount mine when it drys out and take some pics of it and post them.
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I couldn't get to the number on the mower. ill have to wate tell we get dun planting so i can have some time to take it off of the tractor.
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