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75th Anniversary Sovereign Up For Grabs on Ebay


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In case any one is interested we have our 75th Anniversary Sovereign up for grabs on Ebay. Bids start at $6000 which is what a regular model sells for so don't miss out if you're in the market! It is currently listed under Automotive - Motorcycles - Harley-Davidson (search Tractors or Garden). Searching item 209607607 should also get you there. Any and all references will be very appreciated![A href='http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=209607607'][img src='http://home.att.net/~jnem/pics/75th2.jpg'][/a]
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My dealer locally has the photo as I'm sure you do of all the machines in the parade.So... Do you deduct for mileage!? BTW your reserve bid is $1000 less than the local dlr."Sale Price" here on his tractor! Happy Motoring/Shopping![BTW my opening bid of $1000 was REJECTED...I HATE when that happens!] dlc
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Geez Jeff, its going to be a sad day when my tractor "opp's" I mean your tractor has to leave my desktop. I have been using it for months now and just what am I to do when its time to reformat my harddrive again??? Hey by the way will you clean up those tires on it a little bit and take another picture for "Kent" to post it in the gallerey, that is if Kent is willing. Oh by way thanks for the loaner my grandest son loves it every time it comes on the screen. Cheers to all >>>->happyjack<-<<<
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