Simplicity Model Quick Reference
This quick reference will allow you to quickly identify the corresponding Simplicity, Allis-Chalmers, Deutz-Allis, Agco-Allis or Massey Ferguson tractors. It contains a snapshot, key features, and corresponding product series or names for each brand name, in the format below:
It contains ONLY late model (about 1980) and later models -- it is NOT a comprehensive cross-reference. See the more complete Simplicity Equipment to A-C for a complete model cross-reference back to the origins of the Simplicity and Allis-Chalmers relationship.
1976 -- 1992 | Simplicity | Allis-Chalmers | Deutz-Allis |
4000 Series 4100, 4200 LT, RT Regent | 600 Series | 600 Series | |
Features: · 36" mower deck (right discharge) · Hydrostatic, 3-speed, or 5-speed gear transmissions |
Source: Product Identification Chart, TP-900-2054-02-UV-SMA, 990068B, courtesy of Simplicity Manufacturing Inc. SIMPLICITY DISCLAIMER: This information is based on copyrighted materials used with permission of Simplicity Manufacturing, Inc., but has been converted to electronic form by the proprietor of this website. Simplicity Manufacturing is not responsible for the accuracy of this converted information.
Edited by Kent
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